A swimming teacher is fed up with parents who make their kids sad during lessons

A swimming teacher is fed up with parents who make their kids sad during lessons

If you’re a parent, you’ll most likely attend plays, pantomimes, ballet recitals, and swimming lessons of your children.

They might not be the most riveting things to watch but they’re a big deal to kids.

One swimming teacher who noticed that her students were left feeling dejected after lessons had a message for the parents.

Cat Owens, an instructor from Queensland, Australia, said she’s had enough of seeing parents tap away on their phones while their kids were learning to swim for the first time.

‘You need to put your phone down and watch your child’s swimming lesson’ she wrote on her blog.

‘It makes the kids sad. They’re trying to make their parents proud of them.’

Cat said she and other teachers were particularly upset after one incident. ‘A little boy swam the length of the pool, looked up at his dad for praise, and said, “why won’t Daddy watch me? He’s always playing on his phone”‘.

‘This particular boy had put in so much effort. He had listened well to the teacher, he had tried his hardest, and he just wanted his dad to be proud of him.’

Read Metro

Photo by JD Hancock


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