EMILY is your Android-controlled, life saving robot buoy

Hydronalix‘s robotic water rescue device E.M.I.L.Y. (Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard) is a remote control device that can travel at 40 miles per hour to rescue swimmers in distress. Using an Android phone or tablet, a lifeguard on the shore can send this buoy out to the rescue, and the distressed swimmer can then either let EMILY drag them back, or they can hang onto her and wait for a real person to finish the rescue. Smart! Via knoxnews.com.

Here is a video interview with Hydronalix founder Tony Mulligan, at the Google IO 2011. The thing has onboard camera, read sonar and everything, for you to watch and navigate with on a smartphone. They are planning on it to one day be able to auto-navigate to the distressed swimmer, and it is not even particularly expensive. Via thedroidguy.com.


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