Emily Seebohm picks up pole dancing in search for an edge

Every elite athlete is looking for an edge, and Emily Seebohm has found hers while hanging upside down from a pole.

After beginning her year with unprecedented speed, the world’s No 1-ranked 100m backstroker has revealed that twice-weekly pole dancing classes have contributed to her outstanding form.

“I’ve done that for about a year now and I find that it gives me something outside of the normal gym that really works my core muscles and my strength, which is exactly what I need,” Seebohm explained. “Leading into the Olympics, you need to find those little bits that aren’t fine-tuned, and for me, this is one of the few things that I can work on other than my swimming skills, so it’s been really good.”

“It’s fun and it’s easy to do when you’re strong. The first couple of sessions I was so unco-ordinated because I was used to doing other things but I’ve nailed some of the tricks now.”

Read The Australian


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