Dánjal Martin Hofgaard is World Champion in Indoor Rowing

Yesterday at the CRASH-B Sprint World Indoor Rowing Championships in Boston, USA, Faroe Island’s Dánjal Martin Hofgaard won the men’s open lightweight discipline.

Get this, Dánjal Martin born 1989 is a childhood friend of Pál Joensen born 1990, from the same tiny street of Skálabeiti in Vágur (population 1361) in Faroe Islands (population 49,709). They grew up training under first coach Johan Martin Thorsteinsson in the local swim club Vágs Svimjifelag (VS), and then under coach Jón Bjarnason in the merged swim club Suðuroyar Svimjifelag (SuSvim).

One is currently the European vice-champion in the 800 and 1500 meter freestyle. The other is the World Champion in indoor rowing.

We don’t care about odds. Framá Føroyar !


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