Mie Ø. Nielsen clocks 57.16 in the 100 back, 1 swimmer added to Danish Istanbul 2009 squad

On this final day of the Danish Short Course Championships, Mie Ø. Nielsen managed to improve upon her own Danish record in the 100 meter backstroke, from 57.57 at the Szczecin 2011 Europeans, to now even more impressive 57.16. This also surpasses Therese Alshammar’s 57.43 Nordic record from the Swedish Short Course Championships in 2009, and ranks 2nd in Europe this season according to SwimRankings. See result list here.

Mie Ø. Nielsen at the Stockholm World Cup 2010

At the end of the meet, the Danish Swimming Federation announced their team for the Istanbul 2012 World Short Course Championships, which is the preselected team plus Kelly Riber Rasmussen.

  • Lotte Friis Sigma, Sigma Swim Allerød/Nice
  • Jeanette Ottesen, Kvik Kastrup/NTC
  • Rikke Møller Pedersen, Frem Odense/NTC
  • Pernille Blume, Sigma Swim Birkerød/Nice
  • Katrine Holm Sørensen, Esbjerg Svømmeklub/NTC
  • Mie Ø. Nielsen, Aalborg Svømmeklub
  • Kelly Riber Rasmussen, Lyngby / NTC
  • Mads Glæsner, VI39/VAT-CPH/USA
  • Daniel Skaaning, STT/VAT-CPH
  • Anders Lie, Farum Svømmeklub
  • Chris Christensen, Holstebro Svømme Club
  • Viktor Bromer, Aalborg Svømmeklub

Source svoem.org (in Danish)


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