Wildeboer quits Danish swimming, next stop Australia

Former National Coach of Denmark Paulus Wildeboer has decided to resign also his job as head coach of the National Training Center in Copenhagen, to leave for Australia and a contract with Swimming Queensland and Australian Swimming until late 2016. The Danish Swimming Federation has been struggling with finding a replacement for him as national coach, and now they need to find a head of the NTC also, before February 2013. See the official press release here on svoem.org (in Danish)


Paulus’ decision comes as no surprise to those of us who follow Danish swimming closely, as there has been tension between him and several leading Danish club coaches for almost the entire duration of his stay in Denmark. He has been named as Danish coach of the year at least one time (I think twice), and no-one can argue that he has very good results to show for his work in Copenhagen; but still there was for instance this former Swedish national head now Danish club coach Thomas Jansson publicly calling for his resignation, after Wildeboer had blasted them for being soft on the swimmers (all sources in Danish, sorry).

Also, with Jeanette Ottesen taking time off for a bout of Dancing With The Stars and Lotte Friis deciding to train in France, there might not have been enough talent left in the Bellahøj pool, to keep Wildeboer interested. This is total guesswork from me, feel free to cut me down in the comments.


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