E-Commerce Giant Alibaba Pushing For Non-Violent Video Games In The Olympics

Alibaba, China’s largest e-commerce company and the owner of an esports business, is willing to promote adding esports to the Olympics – so long as they aren’t violent.

Chief executive officer of AliSports Zhang Dazhong recently told Bloomberg it’s “pushing for soccer, car racing and other games to be endorsed as an official competitive sport.” It’s worth pointing out, Alibaba is listed as an Olympic sponsor up through 2028, so the company may have some sway here.

“In our communication with the Olympics committee, we’ve come to have a better understanding of their values, which is to promote peace,” Zhang told the outlet. “That’s why for the future development of esports, we will focus more on titles that are actually related to sports, instead of games that focus on violence and slaughter.”

Read Rolling Stone

Photo by dronepicr


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