How to Keep Your Kids Safe This Summer around Water

Guest post by Poolview

Spending the day by the pool or beach can be great fun, giving you and your family the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company, and go for a dip in the water to relax and cool off. However, although swimming is a fantastic way to exercise, as well as being fun for adults and children alike, the potential dangers of water should not be underestimated and this is an especially important consideration for children that cannot swim.

  • 400+ people drown every year!
    To ensure that no one in your family becomes a drowning statistic this year always ensure that your children wear an approved floatation device when they go swimming- even if the water is shallow.
  • Always check the water
    If your family enjoy swimming in open water then it is essential that you check the area, and the water before anyone gets in. Check the waters depth, temperature and currents. If you aren’t sure about the safety of the water then do not get in because 85% of open water drowning incidents occurs because of a lack of knowledge of the risks of the site.
  • Stay within arm’s reach
    In the UK and Ireland, one person every 20 hours dies as a result of drowning. To keep your children safe make sure that you stay within an arm reach of them when they are in the water, even if they can swim. No matter how well your child can swim they may still struggle if they become tired, or dehydrated. Remember that water can be dangerous for all.
  • Teach your children to swim
    Prevention is always better than cure. In terms of water safety, teaching your child to swim is a fantastic way to reduce the risk of them coming into difficulty in the water. Did you know that children who take part in swimming lessons are 88% less likely to drown than those who do not take part? Start teaching your child to swim today.

With these top water safety tips there is no reason that you and your children can’t enjoy the water this summer. If you want to find out more about water safety and how to reduce the risk of drowning then check out the water safety infographic by Poolview for more tips and information.



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