Florida man finds 9-foot alligator at bottom of swimming pool

A Florida man searching for a stray golf ball found something much larger at the bottom of his swimming pool — a 9-foot alligator.

Craig Lear, 38, who lives adjacent to a golf course in Lakeland, assumed that the bubbles he saw in his pool were from a ball that landed in the water, his wife told ABC News.

When he got closer, however, he spotted the large gator at the bottom of the pool, Laura Lear said.

“I hear stories about gators, but never at my house,” she told ABC News.

See local10

The nine-foot alligator lives in a nearby pool. It crawled 70 yards to the home, where it tore a hole in the pool’s screen enclosure.

“It was perfect. This is how he cut it,” said Lear, talking about how the alligator made its way through the screen.

See CBS 6


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