Russia among six nations declared “non-compliant” by WADA following Foundation Board meeting

Russia was among six countries declared “non-compliant” by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) today following a Foundation Board meeting in Colorado Springs, while six others were warned they face the same action next year if improvements are not made.

Deeming the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) non-compliant was recommended last week by the WADA Indepedent Commission in its 323-page report which published allegations of systemic doping within Russian athletics, as well as the involvement of the FSB secret police in the testing programme.

Today’s decision confirmed that recommendation.

It followed WADA removing accreditation from the Russian anti-doping laboratory in Moscow.

Russia’s sanction has been accompanied by similar verdicts against Argentina, Bolivia and Ukraine, each declared non-compliant for using non-accredited laboratories for their urine and blood sample analysis.

Andorra and Israel were also suspended with immediate effect after it was deemed that they did not have sufficient anti-doping rules in place.

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