Swim.com Launches World’s First Swim Tracking App for Android Wear

San Jose, CA (August 11, 2015) – Swim.com, the world’s most advanced swim workout and training platform, launched its Android Wear app today, allowing swimmers to track their swims and access advanced analytics using any waterproof Android Wear device, including the waterproof Sony Smartwatch 3. With its launch, Swim.com becomes the first swim app available for Android Wear.

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The Swim.com app for Android Wear boasts some of the most advanced swimming features available and turns any Android Wear device into one of the most powerful swimming trackers on the market. Like the Swim.com app for Pebble launched last year, the Android Wear app tracks a variety of metrics such as distance, lap times and stroke counts, but also adds additional features such as stroke type detection and pool selection. The Swim.com app also includes Automatic Interval Detection which detects when a swimmer is actively swimming or resting, allowing users to swim their workout without any starting or stopping of the watch.

With the updated Swim.com app for Android, swimmers will be able to instantly view workouts they have swum using compatible Android Wear devices. Workouts will automatically sync from the Swim.com app on the user’s Android Wear device to the Swim.com platform, where the user can instantly view comprehensive workout information through the web or on their mobile device. The app is completely free and available through upgrade or download from Google’s Play Store.

“Launching the Swim.com app for Android has opened up another level of compatibility and device integration for Swim.com. The power and flexibility of Android Wear has allowed us to include important features that other devices simply aren’t capable of,” said Davis Wuolle, VP, Product for Swim.com. “Our mission is for Swim.com to integrate with the entire wearable ecosystem as we become the go-to source for swim tracking and workout analytics.”

Last year, Swim.com became the first-ever swim activity platform compatible with all the major swim wearables including Garmin, FINIS and Swimovate when it launched into beta. Six month later Swim.com was unveiled for Pebble, making the popular Kickstarter-funded wearable the first smartwatch to feature smart swimming functionality. Earlier this year, Swim.com released native apps for Android and iOS devices to the Google Play and Apple App Store.

“We’ve been pleased to see the growth in Swim.com sign-ups, app downloads and the increase in adoption rates for wearable swim tracking over the past year.” Wuolle said. “Due to the complexity of the algorithms and the need for waterproof wearables, swimming has lagged behind running and cycling with its tracking capabilities. But that is slowly coming to an end with the myriad of wearable device solutions available from Swim.com”

To download Swim.com App for Android and Android Wear, visit: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spiraledge.swimapp

To download Swim.com App for iOS, visit https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/swim.com/id956030704

To learn more about Swim.com, visit http://www.swim.com/

To stay up-to-date on Swim.com’s progress, follow Swim.com on Facebook or Twitter: http://www.facebook.com/swimdotcom, http://www.twitter.com/swimdotcom

Press release from Swim.com


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