Nurses Know – Contagious virus children could catch while swimming

A warning from parents from East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in this week’s Nurses Know segment.

We are learning more about germs floating around in lake, river or pool that could make you very sick.

The Centers for Disease Control is warning swimmers about the risk of contracting Norovirus from the water. It’s the same bug blamed for sickening hundreds on cruise ships, causing severe stomach and intestinal illness.

Darci Hodge, Registered Nurse and Infection Control Director at ETCH said the virus can be spread in water when water contaminated with germs is swallowed. That is why kids are greatest at risk for contracting this illness.

Here’s a list of symptoms to watch for:

  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Severe stomach cramping
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Body Aches

“Prevention is very important,” said Hodge, who had the following tips for parents.

  • Don’t swim if you’ve had symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting.

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Photo by mark_irvine


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