SportAccord president Vizer scolds IOC: ‘We don’t need Cardinals of Sport’

Yesterday in his opening address at the SportAccord Convention in Sochi, Russia, president of the International Federations Union SportAccord Marius Vizer held no punches back against the International Olympic Committeee and IOC president Thomas Bach, stating that “The International Sport Movement Needs Real Reforms”, and in a following interview that “We don’t need Cardinals of Sport“.

This was followed by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) immediately withdrawing its SportAccord membership, and the International Paralympic Committeee (IPC) following suit the day after, and the council of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federation deciding unanimously to suspend relations with SportAccord, with immediate effect pending a full review. Read Reuters

'What I say is true and nobody can stop that' you agree with Mr. Vizer? Comment and let us know! Posted by SportAccord on Tuesday, April 21, 2015


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