Mumbai swimming coach makes hoax call after team misses flight, nabbed

The coach of Mumbai’s state-level women’s swimming team was arrested on Monday for allegedly making a hoax call in an attempt to stop an Air India flight when he and his team of six girls failed to reach the Ranchi airport on time.

By the time coach Narendra Achrekar made the call claiming there was a bomb on AI flight IC-810, the aircraft had already taken off and the team was left stranded at the Birsa Munda airport. […]

“Achrekar made the hoax call to the Mumbai call centre… When it landed in the national capital, it was taxied to an isolation bay where Delhi authorities checked flight, passengers and baggage for explosives”, said Birsa Munda Airport director Raju Ragvendra Kumar, adding that the aircraft was eventually cleared but passengers had to face a significant delay.

Airport officials said finding the hoax caller was easy since Achrekar and his team were the only passengers stranded at the airport. “Achrekar’s phone was tracked. The same number was also in the passenger database,” said Raju.

Read Hindustan Times

Photo by Aero Icarus


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