Dramatic 8Km “Swim For Hope” Produces Records

Swim For Hope – Press Release

All fourteen swimmers who participated in today’s Swim For Hope – an extreme open water swim around Cape Point – successfully complete the 8km swim, while both the male and female records for the route were broken.

The Cape Point rounding, which is widely regarded as one of the most extreme open water swims in the world, was done in support of the Little Fighters Cancer Trust, a local charity that offers support to children with cancer and their families. The group entered the water at Diaz Beach just after 09:00, having to negotiate a heavy surf before heading towards the point through rough waters ranging between 12.5 and 16 degrees Celcius. The swim was carried out in accordance with open water and English Channel swimming rules: only a single swimsuit (no wetsuit), cap and goggles may be worn, and swimmers have to start and end on land without ever making physical contact with any members of the support crew or the boat. Anthony Pearse was the first swimmer to finish in a time of 1h41, taking 21 minutes of the previous record which was jointly held by himself and UK swimmer Ned Denison. Carina Bruwer shaved 2 minutes off her 2004 female record time, finishing in a time of 2h18.

Other finishers were Capetonians Justin Coetzee in 2h13, Neil Hopkins in 2h17, Toni Enderli and Martin Vleggaar in 2h35, Monika Hayes, Rouen Smit and Chris Westcott in 2h38, Charl Cilliers and Clinton Le Sueur in 2h45 and Lindsay de Kock in 3h58. Johannesburg swimmers Richard Child finished in 3h08, and Colin Gluch in 2h46. These swimmers from all walks of life share a passion for the ocean and a commitment to doing good. Richard Child is now the oldest swimmer to have successfully rounded Cape Point, at the age of 61.

Carina Bruwer from the SAMA award-winning group Sterling EQ, initiated Swim For Hope with a solo rounding last year, and decided to turn it into an invitational in order to increase fundraising potential. She said, after finishing the grueling swim: “I’m so happy everything went well; the conditions at the start did not look too promising but fortunately it improved once we rounded the point. I’m so proud of all the brave swimmers, especially Richard and Lindsay who put up a valiant effort”.

Corporates as well as members of the public are encouraged to sponsor and donate, using the “BackaBuddy” website (www.backabuddy.co.za). Corporate sponsors can also contact Little Fighters Cancer Trust directly on 073 729 6155 or [email protected] for organizational information such as taxation and BEE benefits, as the organization is a registered NPO with PBO status.

All moneys raised will go towards the Little Fighters Cancer Trust’s BAG OF HOPE Project. A bag of hope provides essentials for both the Child with Cancer and his/her mother or bedside care-giver, with items such as toiletries, pyjamas, non-perishable food, educational toys, blankets and sanitary products, making a challenging and prolonged hospital stay just a bit more comfortable. LFCT is operational in 11 main paediatric oncology treatment centres throughout South Africa, including the Western Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu Natal, Eastern Cape and Free State.

Swim For Hope: www.swimforhope.co.za
Little Fighters Cancer Trust: www.littlefighters.org.za
Carina Bruwer: www.carina.co.za / www.sterlingeq.co.za

Swim for Hope: www.facebook.com/lfctswimforhope / www.twitter.com/lfctswimforhope
Little Fighters Cancer Trust: http:/www.facebook.com/Little.Fighters / www.twitter.com/LFCancerTrust
Carina Bruwer: www.facebook.com/carinabruwerofficial / www.facebook.com/sterlingeqofficial

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