I’m A Celebrity 2013: Olympic swimmer Rebecca Adlington confesses to peeing in the pool

See Nottingham Post

Nottingham’s very own Olympic champion Rebecca Adlington shocked her fellow campers last night on ITV’s I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here when she confessed that she always pees in the pool.

Team mate Joey Essex couldn’t resist probing the gold medallist about her swimming secrets during a Snake Rock campsite chat.

The Mansfield Olympic hero quashed Joey’s fears that peeing in a swimming pool would make the water turn purple.



One response to “I’m A Celebrity 2013: Olympic swimmer Rebecca Adlington confesses to peeing in the pool”

  1. Bob Torkelund Avatar
    Bob Torkelund

    Ahhh that is what it takes . . . . that it why I never made it to the Olympics, I didnt pee in the water!! LOL☺

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