Dozens rescued by coastguards after Southwold Pier-to-Pub Swim goes wrong

southworld-pier-to-pubRead for instance the BBC, the Mirror, MailOnline, Sky and EDP24

A major search and rescue operation was launched yesterday after dozens of people taking part in the Southwold Pier-to-Pub Swim had to be pulled from the sea.

About 200 people were taking part in the event, which involved swimming around the town’s pier before heading to a pub, when more than 130 got into difficulty because of the tide and choppy conditions, initial reports at 1pm saying that 90 were missing. The RNLI lifeboats and lifeguards rescued 85 of them from the sea, the last one first located at 5.30pm, and two of them transferred to the local hospital with suspected hypothermia.

An apology from the organizers can be seen here on

Here is video from the RNLI search


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