Rick Curl agrees to plead guilty to child sex abuse

Read reachforthewall.com

Longtime area swim coach Rick Curl, whose former athletes include world record breakers and Olympic gold medalists, has agreed to plead guilty to child sexual abuse at a hearing scheduled for Feb. 21 in Montgomery County Circuit Court.

Curl, now 63, was charged in October after his former swim student, Kelley Currin, told authorities that he began abusing her in 1983. She was 13 years old at the time and said the abuse continued until she was 18.

Under the Maryland law in effect during the time of the offense, Curl could face a maximum sentence of 15 years.

(An older video …)


One response to “Rick Curl agrees to plead guilty to child sex abuse”

  1. DanMurray Avatar

    Children need to have adult attention after school. They need to be on sports teams. They need to be mentored. But, after-school programs – scouts, clubs, ball teams – are a target for child molesters. The Diana Screen® can make it very hard for these few to get into the system The Diana Screen® identifies an estimated 70% of the men and women who should not be placed into positions of trust with children because they present a sexual risk. The Diana Screen® does not compete with criminal background checks. Rather, it is intended to complement an organization`s current Abuse Risk Management plan. http://www.dianascreen.com

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