Chloe McCardel joins the Cuba-USA race

Australian marathon swimmer Chloe McCardel has made a New Year’s resolution to top them all: to conquer a world-first crossing from Cuba to the US without a shark cage.

‘I think my mum will faint when she hears about this,’ McCardel said.

The 27-year-old Melburnian, who has already completed six solo crossings of the English Channel, is planning to embark on the 170-kilometre, 70-hour swim in June which, if she completes it, will become the longest continuous solo swim in history without assistance.

In August, 62-year-old US endurance swimmer Diana Nyad quit her third attempt at the crossing after suffering severe jellyfish stings following 60 hours in the water.

A month earlier, Australian-based British swimmer Penny Palfrey was just 43 kilometres from the US coast when she abandoned an attempt because of brutal currents.

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2 responses to “Chloe McCardel joins the Cuba-USA race”

  1. This is really good

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