Denmark central in European doping production and distribution, according to own authorities

chemo? no thanks!Danish media Politiken broke this story yesterday, that Denmark according to local authorities has ‘a special status on the doping market”, as producer and distributor of doping substances. Four major brands have close ties to Denmark – India-based Alpha-Pharma has a Danish CEO and Denmark as a sort of distribution hub for their product, Gen-Shi Labs has opened a third laboratory in Denmark ‘due to increasing demands’, Danish customs has on several occasions seized empty Diamond-packaging entering the country, and Dragon has its web site hosted on a server in Jutland.

“Unfortunately, it confirms our suspicion that there is organized doping crime in Denmark – probably on quite a big scale. We should expect to see the police respond,” said Jens Evald, chairman of Anti Doping Denmark and law professor at the University of Aarhus.

Another sign of Denmark’s central role is that [Danish tax authorities] Skat often confiscate the largest amounts of doping going out of the country.

“It seems strange that shipments go out of the country on such a scale. We can deduce that there to a certain extent is disemination of doping from Denmark, “said Axel Grønkjær from Skat.

(Image courtesy of Dave Campbell, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


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