Danish club asks best swimmer not to compete at club champs, because he is too good

Wow, a story for our wtf-category: Varde Svømmeklub has asked 17-year old Christian Larsen to not compete at the club championships this Saturday, because he is too good. The board believes that he will be a better role model if he stays away and lets younger, slower swimmers take the club championships honors. He and his parents disagree. Source jv.dk (in Danish) via simma.nu/dk


2 responses to “Danish club asks best swimmer not to compete at club champs, because he is too good”

  1. coacherik Avatar

    Thought this kind of crap was only though of in the US… Glad to know there are other stupid people in the world aside from those in our country. You think if Michael Phelps came from that area they will tell him not to compete because it would look bad? No, I’m only pretty sure they would love seeing the best. Those not in the pool have an opportunity to learn while watching. Those racing will see him and think, “I can do that” or “I’ve got some work to do” or “I think I’m going to quit”. Pretty sure it will be the first two more than the last one.

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