Ryan Lochte: Yeah, I Heard about Seth MacFarlane’s Impression on SNL

TMZ chatted with Olympian Ryan Lochte about Seth McFarlane’s absolutely BRUTAL portrayal of him on the season premiere of “SNL.”

My personal opinion? – TMZ come off as the dumbest of them all, for not even google’ing their Nile vs Amazon question, and discovering that it is not that simple:

The Nile has traditionally been considered longer, but in recent years some Brazilian and Peruvian studies have suggested that the Amazon is longer by measuring the river plus the adjacent Pará estuary and the longest connecting tidal canal


2 responses to “Ryan Lochte: Yeah, I Heard about Seth MacFarlane’s Impression on SNL”

  1. coacherik Avatar

    The “smart” woman dominating the conversation can’t even say his last name right. Lockey?

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