Paolo Barelli replaces Nory Kruchten as LEN president

Breaking news from our friend Bjørn Soleng live tweeting (or facebooking) the 2012 LEN Congress, Italy’s Mr Paolo Barelli replaces Mr Nory Kruchten from Luxembourg as president of the European Swimming Federation, Sweden’s Sven von Holst has been elected as one of five vice presidents, and Norway’s Per Rune Eknes is new member of the board.

See official press release here, also elected vice president is Germany’s Dr. Christa Thiel, and in her place new Treasurer Tamas Gyarfas from Hungary. New General Secreaty is GBR’s David Sparkes, replacing retired Sven Egil Folvik from Norway, and among the newly elected members of the LEN Bureau Russia’s Vladimir Salnikov and Serbia’s Aleksandar Sostar.

(Photo: Bjørn Soleng)


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