CC photo #275: Boxen, venue of the Herning 2013 European Short Course Swimming Championships

Breaking news from my good friend Jesper Harder at Herning Svømmeklub, LEN has awarded Denmark and the Danish city of Herning the 2013 European Short Course Swimming Championships, to be held in the Jyske Bank Boxen multiarena. Here is a photo of ‘The Box’, taken when Jesper drove me from Holstebro til Billund Airport after the 2012 Aqua Clinic. I’ll post it as tomorrow’s CC photo already today :-)

See also the official press release from the Danish Swimming Federation (in Danish)

Jyske Bank Boxen, venue of the 2013 European SC Swimming Championships

(Boxen, CC BY 2.0 – use the photo as you wish, as long as you attribute :-)


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