Lord Sebastian Coe says Phelps ‘up there’ but not the greatest Olympian of all

Ahh, I remember the days when Seb Coe and Steve Cram fought for glory, Coe the born runner while Cram was more a hard working kind of guy (and therefore, naturally, my kind of guy). My childhood memories say Coe always won, but today he’s just totally WTF. Read The Washington Post


2 responses to “Lord Sebastian Coe says Phelps ‘up there’ but not the greatest Olympian of all”

  1. […] Swimmer's Daily Fast Fix Blog About Swimming Skip to content HomeAboutContactToolsCSS-test (light) calculatorCSS-test calculatorLIVE ← Lord Sebastian Coe says Phelps ‘up there’ but not the greatest Olympian of all […]

  2. Sebastian who? Ok I know who he is, but this is rubbish.
    He won gold in 1980 and 1984, the two Olympic games remembered for the boycott by USA and then the USSR.
    Easy way to become a lord, eh?

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