German London Olympic coach in court on sex charges

A German London 2012 Olympic swimming coach is facing 18 counts of sexual misconduct with an underage swimmer between August, 2004 through March, 2006, see SwimmingWorld Magazine. The 40-year-old apparently defends himself with the girl having been 16 at the time of their first sexual contact, the court now having to clarify whether their relationship was that of a coach and swimmer or not. The German Olympic bosses were totally surprised by the news, Olympic chief Michael Vesper saying ‘If we had known about the incident, he would not have been selected’. Due to German privacy laws, the coach’s name and the name of the woman are being withheld, but if you search a little, you’ll find his name and workplace and even blurred out photos from the court room, and learn that he was coach of at least a couple of famous swimmers, with links to his swim club (and profile). His first international assignment for the DSV were the Debrecen 2012 Europeans in May, now he faces a possible 4 years of jail.


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