CC photo #235: Extreme rower Livar Nysted giving free rides to kids on a tiny viking ship

Funny and most adorable sight in Klaksvík, last Saturday, Faroese rowing legend Livar Nysted giving free rides to kids on a small Faroese rowing boat that he refitted to resemble a viking ship. Silly hat and all, still this guy was part of the 4-man-crew that in 2010 set the still standing transatlantic rowing world record, rowing from New York to the Isles of Scilly in 43 days, 21 hours and 26 minutes. Now he offered to row people about in the harbor of Klaksvík for several hours, as part of the annual Sjómannadagurin (‘Seaman’s day’). Some of us wondered if he didn’t get tired, but I guess in no way in the same way as when crossing the Atlantic :-)

Extreme rower Livar Nysted giving free rides to kids on a tiny viking ship


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