The horrific consequences of being Aquaman

AquamanStraight facts on our favorite superhero, courtesy of Southern Fried Science, for instance on how Aquaman couldn’t survive the temperature even in the hottest ocean because he is way too thin:

Aquaman is not just a human, he is an incredibly buff human. Look at his picture. If the man has more than 2% body fat, I’d be shocked. In contrast, warm-water bottlenose dolphins have at least 18 to 20% body fat. Anyone who SCUBA dives knows that, even with a 12 millimeter neoprene wet suit, after a few hours in 80°F water, you get cold. Aquaman, lacking any visible insulation, should have slipped into hypothermia sometime early in More Fun Comics #73. He is better built for the beach than the frigid deep.

Via Neatorama

Image courtesy of Corey Bond, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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