Trubridge dives to 125m but fails surface protocol

New Zealand’s William Trubridge Wednesday managed a 125 meter (410 feet) ‘constant weight’ freedive, but then failed the official surface protocol that state that within 15 seconds the freediver must give an “OK” hand sign, a verbal “I am OK” and remove their goggles and nose clip within 15 seconds. Meaning it won’t count as a world record, even if it is the deepest ever.

“I made it to 125m and back to the surface, but my oxygen was just too low and I had a samba [a loss of muscular control caused by oxygen deprivation] and failed the surface protocol. I forgot to remove my goggles. There were groans and laughs, but on the whole I’m not too gutted”

Here’s Trubridge managing a 120 meter dive three dives before, with nice explanations on how a dive like this is performed.

Read Xtremesports4u


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