The autopsy conducted on Alexander Dale Oen Tuesday found no evidence on how he died, no anatomic cause of death and no trauma associated with the death, additional test are running but it could take eight weeks or longer to get final test results. The Japan Swimming Federation is reconsidering altitude training ahead of the London Olympics, letting it up to those athletes who feel uneasy whether to go or not go. The Australian Olympic Committe has instituted enhanced heart checks of its London-bound team. Back in Norway they’ve cancelled the big Bergen Swim Festival this weekend, arranging a memorial instead, somewhat of a relief to Danish swimming stars Lotte Friis, Rikke Møller Pedersen and Jeanette Ottesen bound to compete there, as they are in mourning too. Jeanette is devastated, says he was one of her best friends, coach Wildeboer tries to have everyone keep focus, saying Alex himself would try to use this in the most positive and respectful way possible. Tough days.
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