Alexander Dale Oen Memorial Fund announced

In connection Alexander Dale Oens tragic death there has been established a Memorial Fund, originally a dream that Alex and his brother Robin had together, which is now being continued by Robin alone, but in the spirit of Alex. In the obituary in Bergens Tidende and Aftenposten today, “As welcomed as flowers, are a gift to Alexander Dale Oen Memorial Fund – Account Number 1204 04 74 763”. Alex is to be buried on Friday May 11th at 12:00 from BlomvÃ¥g church in Bergen.

See press release after the break, via SwimNews and

Everywhere Alexander Dale Oen went he spread life and joy. That was his being – that was who he was. To use his body and to explore and experience the beauty of nature was important to Alexander. That was where he found his inspiration.

Together with Robin Dale Oen Alexander was planning to launch The Dale Oen Experience – A fund to provide children and youth experiences of their lifetime. The desire was to inspire children to challenge themselves, find their capacity and see their own worth. The plan was that Alexander and Robin would create The Dale Oen Experience after the Olympics in London 2012 and manage the fund together.

Now Alexander is not here anymore, but his message is still important. We wish through The Dale Oen Experience to allow Alexander to continue to spread life and joy to everyone he ever has, and everyone he is going to touch in the time to come.


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