Leisel Jones battling ear infection ahead of trials

Leisel Jones who is attempting to become the first Australian to compete at four Games revealed Tuesday that she had been battling an ear infection since the New South Wales titles last month, where she was well below her best. She says her ear is “95 percent” but admits it is not the ideal lead-up to the trials, with 100 meter breaststroke staring on Friday.

“Being a swimmer, it’s definitely not ideal to have a middle ear infection because it just doesn’t get better,” the Olympic breaststroke champion told reporters on Tuesday, saying she had been trying to fight off the problem for two to three weeks.

“It affected my balance, it still does a little, so it’s probably not really ideal but we’ve done the best we can.

“I’ll be holding on to the blocks very, very tightly so, if you see me wobble outside the pool, I’m not drunk – I’m just a little bit off balance.”

Via The Chicago Tribune and ABC


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