Stephanie Rice baffled by her party-girl image

Great heap of quotes here on the Daily Telegraph, where Stephanie Rice answers all the recent gossip about the breakup between her and ‘Wallaby bad boy Quade Cooper’, who will be her next boyfriend etc. She’s actually happy about the break up, saying it will allow her to concentrate on making the London Olympics team.

“I think people would get a better understanding of me if you were to talk with me one on one and they would be like, ‘Oh she is actually really normal.’

“I am sure people think I am really this attention-seeking star wannabe.”

“I am 23 — I have had two serious boyfriends but apparently I have been with every sportsperson alive.

“It’s frustrating because the general public would read it and think, ‘Oh my God — this girl!’ I live in the athletic world and I have a lot of sportspeople as friends but they are not partnerships, relationships or hook-ups. They are my friends.”

Gossip that sort of culminated with the Daily Telegraph speculating that she posted that picture on yfrog to give Cooper a little reminder, and Take40 going even further speculating that her Twitter message about ‘trying out my new app’ was just an excuse.


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