Carry and Keri-Anne having Kopi Luwak (cat poo) coffee

Fun tweet from David Carry, who has been testing some Kopi Luwak coffee. We’re talking coffee made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet (Toddy Cat), defecated, gathered, washed, sun dried, roasted and brewed. And then drunk by people as the most expensive coffee in the world with prices reaching $160 per pound. Nice.!/davidcarry/status/153827524869234688

Image courtesy of Praveenp / Wikimedia Commons


One response to “Carry and Keri-Anne having Kopi Luwak (cat poo) coffee”

  1. I’ve watch this video :) They buy that kopi luwak from Australia (original from sumatera). You can also see original green beans in this link :

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