Open water swimmers wanted for a new British feature film

Kathleen Crawford Casting is looking for one Scandinavian-looking extreme swimmer/surfer and a pair of strong swimmers to play ‘young mum and dad’, for a feature film to be shot in Scotland and London this fall. This is paid work you guys, no acting experience necessary, but in shape to run and swim repeatedly for days in choppy seas off the coast of Scotland. Embedded movies are previous involvements ‘Sexy Beast’, ‘Birth’ and ‘Attack the Block’ See this Facebook page.


He should be male, 22-35, look Scandinavian, German, Finnish / Icelandic.

The character is living in a tent on a beach on the coast of Scotland for a bit. He might be a backpacker who has stopped up for a week, month, year – we never find out. He must look at home with that lifestyle i.e. a healthy, outdoors type of person. He has a quiet intensity to him. He should be fearless, and it would be instinctive to him to run into the sea if someone were to get into trouble in the water.

Extreme swimmers/surfers would be ideal for this role.


Both aged 27-35. Can be any ethnicity and accent. They are a couple on the beach with their toddler and dog. BOTH MUST BE STRONG SWIMMERS.

N.B. For ALL of these part you really MUST be an excellent swimmer, as filming will involve running into/and swimming in choppy seas off the coast of Scotland, and repetition of action for the purposes of doing several takes will mean it will be tiring.


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