Wild swimming with Martin Strel in Slovenia

Ha ha ha, funny intro to this article on The Guardian:

“You are going to meet Martin Strel?” a woman says to me in Ljubljana.

“You know who he is?” I ask.

“Yes, of course. He is famous in Slovenia … But a lot of people here think he is a bit weird.”

That doesn’t surprise me. I know about Martin’s epic river swims, which have included passing dead bodies in the Yangtze, and I’ve seen the film Big River Man, which charts the bouts of drinking and madness that punctuated his 66-day progress along the Amazon in 2007.

“But weird in a funny way, right?”

“No,” she says. “Just weird.

I watched the “Big River Man” documentary myself, and I too think that he is weird :-)


One response to “Wild swimming with Martin Strel in Slovenia”

  1. martin rocks, weird or no weird, he did it, once and for ever. legend! the doc is well done, its not just swimming, great entertainment.

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