Kirsty Coventry will train in Monaco until the Olympics

Kirsty CoventryInteresting, Kirsty Coventry will move to Monaco in September, to train there until the Olympics, thanks to the Patronage of Princess Charlene. Do we have a new international training center developing there, thanks to a swimmer turned princess ? Via The Swimmers Circle.

Thanks to the Patronage of Princess Charlene from mid Sept, I’ll be training in Monaco until Olympics. Reason: no distractions and location.less than a minute ago via Seesmic twhirl Favorite Retweet Reply


2 responses to “Kirsty Coventry will train in Monaco until the Olympics”

  1. shelagh rogers Avatar
    shelagh rogers

    How exciting Kirsty, what a wonderful opportunity. I remember being facinated by the tiny ‘state’ and wishing I could see princess Grace, she seemed to be such a beautiful women in so many ways. Hope all the family are well. Nic and Stephen’s baby expected in about 4 weeks..soooooo excited! Lots of love Kirsty

  2. Mark & Margie Addenbrooke Avatar
    Mark & Margie Addenbrooke

    That sounds fantastic Kirsty, all the best, we’re behind you all the way, lots love, Mark & Margie

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