Busted: Magnini caught kissing with Pellegrini

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Former world 100m freestyle champion Filippo Magnini is back in the news after being photographed flirting with Federica Pellegrini at world titles last month. No consequence for the Italian Olympic champion but for Magnini the moment has cost him the woman he might have married. Italian papers today have Christina Nardini, the swimmer’s girlfriend before the photos emerged from Shanghai, saying: “Filippo was all ready for the wedding, we had set the date and bought a house, we also wanted a son … but I could not forgive a betrayal. I was too disappointed.” On the one hand, Magnini, she tells the media, has told her that he misses her and that he had made it clear to Pellegrini that there would be no relationship. On the other hand, Nardini had found an invitation to dine with Pellegrini hidden in a book belonging to Magnini.


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