This event will be tough to beat

Bravo Shanghai, these championships were almost flawless, and easily the best arranged (of the few) that I’ve ever encountered. The Olympics are special anyhow I guess, but the Spanish must be really worrying about living up to this in 2013, with their mañana-culture.


So there were a few Redshirt-incidents, and I once managed somehow to wander into the arena without having my backpack checked. But other than that, everything was extremely well planned and organized, and the response quick and effective in those cases where things weren’t exactly as we wanted them.

We’ve had T-shirts printed, payment delayed, presidents hurt, suits having to be re-tailored, glasses broken plus a few more sports-related incidents, all taken care of swiftly and effectively by our clever liaison officer Cora. No problem is too big or small here, just something to be solved. Super.

Tonight it is the last and final finale, 1500 freestyle with Pál on lane 7. We will have to pack our luggage before leaving for the finals, since we are leaving early in the morning, and in case it goes really well. The World Championships have been a great success for us the Faroese, with two Nordic records and two spots in the finals in two events, and a qualification for London 2012.

Hsieh Hsieh Shanghai !


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