DISC has great live streaming (Mare Nostrum has not)

Eagerly waiting for the Mare Nostrum 2011 to begin, I read in other news that the Vattenfall Swim Cup 2011 has started, aka the Danish International Swim Cup, with livetiming from both pools and HD live streaming from finals. Finals that are by the way very nicely dressed-up, with light-show and loud music and everything.

The Danish International Swim Cup is a huge event, when it comes to number of participants, with competitions run simultaneously in two or three separate pools, 801 medals in total, smaller prizes for all race winners, trophies for the best three clubs, cash prizes for best prizes, and continuous all-day bus service between pools and board and lodging facilities. It has been able to attract quite a few high-profiled names in the past, even though it is a late short-course event, with main attractions including something as unusual as 25 meter sprints. See this year’s invitation.

But it is in no way on par with the Mare Nostrum circuit, when it comes to attracting world-class swimmers. And the Mare Nostrum circuit has this.

Our Faroese team is stranded, by the way, since yesterday at 17:30, because of bad weather. Might fly now at 12, but Bjarnason sounded very frustrated in the last text message. I told him to sing this song, which he answers that 68 wannabe-passengers are now singing, of which the majority know my home address ! :-)


4 responses to “DISC has great live streaming (Mare Nostrum has not)”

  1. Last message is that this flight is also cancelled, and they therefore have to cancel their Mare Nostrum participation :-/

    1. Turns out that 3 of them are soldiering on, minus Pál and Magnus. They’ll have a nights rest in Copenhagen, and land in Barcelona early tomorrow, and then have a day of racing on Sunday.

  2. […] streaming transmission from Barcelona, found here on lshunter.tv. Sorry for bad comments then, earlier, I just couldn’t find the link on http://www.marenostrumswim.com. Via SwimNews.dk. Share […]

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