USC Olympian count closing to 20

It is an established tradition for Olympic athletes to get the rings tattoed on themselves after participating in the world’s ultimate sporting spectacle, and nowhere is this more apparent than at USC. That’s because coach Dave Salo has amassed a training group that is pushing close to 20 Olympic swimmers.

  • Rebecca Soni (USA)
  • Jessica Hardy* (USA)
  • Eric Shanteau (USA)
  • Dave Walters (USA)
  • Ricky Berens (USA)
  • Ed Moses (USA)
  • Mike Alexandrov (USA)
  • Oussama Mellouli (Tunisia)
  • Thiago Pereira (Brazil)
  • Dominik Meichtry (Switzerland)
  • Mads Glæsner (Denmark)
  • Markus Rogan (Austria)
  • Katinka Hosszú (Hungary)
  • Andrew Bree (Ireland)
  • Clement Lefert (France)
  • Octavio Alesi (Venezuela)
  • Richard Charlesworth (UK)
  • Kosuke Kitajima (Japan)
  • Mateusz Sawrymowicz (Poland)

*Hardy qualified for the 2008 Olympics before withdrawing, and as such has technically never participated

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