Hero Dog Saves Fellow Pooch From Drowning in Backyard Swimming Pool

This is the heartwarming moment a black Staffordshire terrier saved her doggy friend from drowning in a backyard swimming pool in South Africa.

CCTV footage shows the black pooch running to rescue the smaller toy Pomeranian who fell into the water after slipping on the pool’s edge in Boksburg City on April 8.

Sensing that her friend was in danger, the seven-year-old Staffie dog named Jessie repeatedly paced around the pool and reached into the water to try and reach the 13-year-old white pooch named Chucky as he battled to stay afloat.

The heroic female pooch kept reaching into the water to grip Chucky but his wet fur repeatedly slipped from her mouth.

Finally, using all her strength after 34 minutes she dragged the exhausted mutt to safety and they scampered away together.


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