Activists protest France’s burkini ban

Activists protest France’s burkini ban as French politicians defend it. CNN’s Erin McLaughlin reports.

Brandishing beach balls, towels and inflatables, crowds create a fake beach outside the French embassy in London in protest of France’s decision to ban burkinis.

Around 60 demonstrators, clad in various forms of swimwear, gathered outside the French embassy, in Pariser Platz, Berlin, on Thursday, to protest against the ban against full bodied swimsuits with headcovering, nicknamed the ‘Burkini,’ that came into effect in numerous French seaside towns.

Demonstrators clad in burkinis staged a beach party outside the French embassy in London, in response to a controversial ban on the Muslim bathing suit in many French coastal towns and cities. Supporters say it protects secularism, opponents say it violates religious freedom.


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