Support European triathlete champion Camilla ‘Mille’ Pedersen’s fight for life

camilla-pedersenSee Indsamling til Mille

European champion Camilla Pedersen is still in a critical condition after her accident the 3rd of September and she is kept in a coma in Odense, where her family is by her side.

As a professional athlete she is making her living from winning races and due to her accident, she will not be competing for a while.

We know her personal economy will be a concern for her, when she returns to life, and therefore we are trying to gather donations to help her financially, so her main focus can be on health issues and rehabilitation.

If you want to donate, please use following account no. in Handelsbanken.

Registration: 7637
Account: 7503867

We are working on a better solution for international transfers.


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