Month: September 2011
42-year-old ignores shark warning, gets both legs bitten off
A British man lost parts of both legs when he was attacked by a great white shark Wednesday after he ignored warnings and went swimming at a Cape Town, South Africa, beach. He apparently made it back toward his shore and then was pulled from the water by a bystander, right leg bitten off above…
CSS-test calculators added
Two calculators added under our brand new section ‘Tools‘, which hopefully in time will turn into some kind of swim tool repository. I use the very good (free) service of, which is almost ‘Excel on the web’.
Kenrick Monk ‘lucky to be alive’ after hit-and-run accident
The immediate future of Olympic swimmer Kenrick Monk is in jeopardy after the Brisbane-based star was knocked unconscious in a hit-and-run-accident while riding his push bike to training yesterday afternoon. X-rays have revealed two broken bones in his elbow and he will visit a specialist today to confirm the extent of his injuries. This only…
George Bovell III – Swim Part 2 – 1st Weight Session
George Bovell III is definitely back in training, recovering well from his car accident in August, as proven with this video from his first weight training session the day before yesterday. Follow him on 1st Weights from George Bovell on Vimeo.
A.M. Swim Workout – Kettle bell
Quillan Oak and Carter Krengel demonstrating an interesting underwater kettle bell strength/hypoxic set. I like the ‘if you want air you have to kick’, bit :-) Via
Danish comedian explains Norwegian swimming safety rules
Danish comedian Anders Lund Madsen doing a funny routine here about the swimming safety rules posted on Norwegian beaches. Via boingboing.
PETA jumps the shark with ‘payback’ campaign
PETA may have gone too far with its latest campaign, which suggests those who swim or fish in waters containing sharks are attacked or killed as ‘payback’. PETA wants the illustration placed on billboards and benches in areas where shark attacks happen, even stating that recent shark attacks are examples of the ‘payback’ the poster…
Diana Nyad will not attempt crossing again
Third time was not the charm for Diana Nyad, attempting to cross the 103 miles from Cuba to Florida. In a frequently emotional news conference in which she removed her shirt to reveal sting marks from toxic jellyfish, Nyad said she initially planned to muscle through the intense pain, but eventually had to give up,…
David Walliams still unable to walk after 140-mile charity swim
Two weeks after completing his 140-mile swim along the Thames, David Walliams continues to pay the price for it in terms of his health. He tore a disc in his back as a result of the swim, is ordered by his doctors not to leave his hospital bed, has to undergo physio, and has also…