Spain and Mexico declared non-compliant by World Anti-Doping Agency after failing to meet deadline

Spain and Mexico declared non-compliant by World Anti-Doping Agency after failing to meet deadline

Spain and Mexico have been declared non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code after failing to meet a deadline for making required changes to their drugs testing procedures, it has been announced today

Ukraine, declared non-compliant by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) at its Foundation Board meeting in Coloardo Springs last November, have had their compliance status restored, however.

Spain and Mexico were among seven countries to be named on a compliance watch list by WADA at that November meeting.

Greece, Brazil and France and two National Anti-Doping Agencies (NADO) representing Belgium all resolved their Code-related concerns by the deadline of midnight last night, WADA confirmed in a statement today.

All now are considered to have rules fully compliant with the Code and will face no further sanctions.

The other two, however, have not resolved their respective issues, and are therefore declared non-compliant with the Code.

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Photo by Richard Masoner / Cyclelicious


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