According to the Herald Sun, Aussie ‘bad boys’ Nick D’Arcy and Kenrick Monk “have sparked outrage after they posed with high-powered weapons in a US gun shop”, to the point where Swimming Australia demanded pictures taken off Facebook and issued this statement, promising a talk with the athletes upon return to Australia:
“Swimming Australia became aware of inappropriate photos posted on athlete Facebook pages and Twitter accounts this morning, and instantly contacted the athletes involved to ask for them to be removed under Swimming Australiaรขโฌโขs Social Media Guidelines”
Now, I get the idea that these are guns “similar to those used in the Virginia Tech and Port Arthur massacres”. I also get that since those two are already ‘bad boys’ for other reasons, they should maybe be especially careful when doing stunts like these. I’m not a weapons man myself, have never owned even a BB gun, but still, for some reason I suddenly remember sentences like “guns don’t kill people, …”.
Even with strict gun laws like in Denmark and Norway, the crazed ones find ways to harm others. In the Faroes we have very relaxed gun laws, but thankfully next to none killed or harmed by them (or anything else) for decades. So, without further ado, here are ‘the darlings of Danish swimming‘ actually shooting big guns in Leadville.
Sorry if I offend anyone with these words, those who know me know that I cried my eyes out with the rest of you when all that Breivik mess happened last summer. But I’m sort of with D’Arcy and Monk on this one.
Via SwimNews
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