Year: 2018
Scottish Water Learn to Swim – Year in Review
Tens of thousands of Scottish children are benefitting from a national programme to help them become better and more confident swimmers, an independent report has found.
If You Swim in the Hudson River, Don’t Stir the Muck
Scientists have found up to 10 times as many pathogens in the Hudson River’s near-shore soil than in its water, according to a new study by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. Sewage discharge pipes spew fecal matter into the river estuary, which includes parts of Long Island Sound and New York harbor. Harmful micro-organisms that float…
Mafata Modutoane on water safety, need to learn to swim
The popular Eastern Beach in East London in the Eastern Cape a hive of activity as holiday makers flock to the coastline to enjoy the warm Indian ocean waters. This is one of the most visited places in the province this time of the year. As part of ensuring the safety of beach goers Swimming…
Making a Splash in Shetland | #LearntoSwim with Scottish Water
Scottish Swimming is the national governing body for swimming in Scotland, representing clubs, swim schools, aquatic disciplines, athletes, coaches and thousands of talented and committed volunteers across the entire swimmer pathway from development and participation through to performance. Our vision is to ensure that every single person in Scotland has access to quality swimming programmes,…
Water Cube to be frozen into Ice Cube for Beijing 2022 Winter Games
The iconic Water Cube that was used in the Beijing Summer Olympics has undergone a dramatic transformation to the Ice Cube, and is set to host the curling events for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games, according to the Beijing Office for Major Projects. The Water Cube, or the National Aquatics Center, along with the Bird’s…
How Swimming Affects Polar Bears
Everyone knows polar bears are great swimmers, right? Maybe not, according to a new study, which suggests these powerful Arctic predators might be less efficient in water than previously thought.
Water is our world! FINA Channel Trailer
Swimming +++ Diving +++ High Diving +++ Open Water Swimming +++ Artisitc Swimming +++ Water Polo