Month: July 2011

  • What a fight :-)

    0.67 seconds from the bronze medal, 1.87 from the silver, in the 1500 freestyle. Fastest final ever, with Sun Yang setting a world record, and Pál improving his Nordic more than 10 seconds. Kis, you did good, Cochrane, you better train hard until London 2012. Happy times, even though we lost. Hsieh Hsieh Shanghai, Malmö…

  • Woohoo, we’re in the newspaper (!)

    Our liaison officer Cora bought us a newspaper this morning, after her parents telling her that there was a story about Pál in it. The headline says “One athlete, big dream”, and they even found a photo showing his signature hand flick. Now, I don’t know exactly how many people read this paper, but since…

  • This event will be tough to beat

    Bravo Shanghai, these championships were almost flawless, and easily the best arranged (of the few) that I’ve ever encountered. The Olympics are special anyhow I guess, but the Spanish must be really worrying about living up to this in 2013, with their mañana-culture.

  • We’re in the final (again)

    An Olympic qualification for a Faroese still living and training on the hard rock islands, that is a first ever. A new Nordic record also, now counting two in two events :-)

  • Gone sightseeing

    So we decided to go visit the ‘bottle opener’, the Shanghai World Financial Center, with a Sky Arena at 94th floor (423m), a Sky Walk with glass roof at 97th floor (439m) and a Sky Walk with glass floor at 100th floor (474m). It was nice, hot and sunny, and the smog had lifted for…

  • Don’t fight the Faroese National Broadcasting Corporation

    So now I’m in the dog house for sending a request out to the Faroese media, that they should clear any interview with us the team around Pál, rather than find him on Facebook or where ever, exploiting that he doesn’t like to say no. A request that tabloid news portal Vágaportalurin chose to put…

  • This was the fun event

    Now comes serious business, a possible qualification time for the London Olympics :-S

  • We are in the final

    Yet again Pál and Jón amaze me. You cannot begin to understand how amateurish the rest of us are, down to the point where we had to have our T-shirts printed here in Shanghai, because nobody had time before we left. Pure guts and brains.

  • A world champ took this picture

    Alexander Dale Oen himself asked if I had been working out, with those legs. I told him no, I have been eating :-D