Month: May 2011

  • Big meet in Barcelona this weekend !

    The Mare Nostrum circuit starts in Barcelona this weekend, and our guy Pál Joensen will be there, along with 4 juniors from our Faroese squad. The start list promises a lot of world-class racing, as swim stars from around the world prepare for Shanghai 2011.

  • Leonard Lopate interviews Diana Nyad

    Legendary swimmer Diana Nyad talks about her sport and her plans, at the age of 61, to swim from Havana to the Florida coast without a shark tank this summer.

  • Weightless – Emotional Freediving

    OK, it gets a bit scary for a while, but beautiful nonetheless.

  • Canals are a dangerous place to swim

    Teens urged to swim where a lifeguard is present, stay clear of the hydros in the canal walls and keep away from high voltage wires [Heck, maybe even to switch their brains on again?]. “We don’t have a problem with them swimming, it’s the danger.” Canals are a dangerous place to swim:

  • Norwegians will fight over sewer on June 1st

    As mentioned on April 29, Norway’s Forsvarsbygg is looking for new usage of the old sewer facilites under Festningsplassen in Oslo, with bidders being at least a cinema, a concert hall and a water recreational facility. Next phase is a “Fight Club” in the old (and I guess not yet renovated) facilities on June 1st,…

  • Britta Steffen won’t cut her hair until after London 2012

    Interesting interview here on Welt Am Sonntag, where Steffen says that she will let her hair grow up to the Olympics, only cutting the tips as a good luck charm. She hopes to do good at the Shanghai 2011 World Championships, to prove that she is still to be reckoned with, but has her absolute…

  • USC Olympian count closing to 20

    It is an established tradition for Olympic athletes to get the rings tattoed on themselves after participating in the world’s ultimate sporting spectacle, and nowhere is this more apparent than at USC. That’s because coach Dave Salo has amassed a training group that is pushing close to 20 Olympic swimmers. Rebecca Soni (USA) Jessica Hardy*…

  • Íslandsbankasjósund 2011

    Some tough Icelandic vikings taking a dip in 7.5° Celcius warm water (45.5° Fahrenheit). We call it ‘Faroe-white’, when someone (as me) has the skin color of someone who has never seen the sun. Apparently, there is a ‘Icelandic-white’ color too :-) Íslandsbankasjósund 20. maí 2011 from Ragnar Torfi Geirsson on Vimeo.

  • A tribute to Jacques Cousteau

    By gosh, it probably started here, for me personally, with watching the films of Jacques Cousteau in the 70ies. Rest in peace, Captain! 333 – A Tribute to Jacques Cousteau /100 Years from joe romeiro on Vimeo.